A Daily Lift – September 16, 2020
Good Morning,
I hope that you are doing well!
Our “lifts” for today:
From Dr. Kristin Field (Singh Center for Nanotechnology)
“Team Lioness is an all-female ranger unit protecting Africa’s wildlife from poachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Watch them reunite with their families after being away on the job.” https://www.cnn.com/videos/travel/2020/09/08/team-lioness-all-female-ranger-unit-suffage-orig.cnn
Kelly Writer’s House features Penn student readings and invited guests. For example, 9/17 (7 pm) – “STORM: FROM WHITMAN’S ELECTION DAY TO OURS (PART ONE)” In partnership with #VoteThatJawn and the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society (PCMS), they will host a virtual reading of poetry by Philadelphia Youth Poets Laureate — by youth and for youth. Explore civic engagement and the youth vote through poetic responses to Walt Whitman’s poem, “Election Day: November 1884.” PCMS will continue the exploration of Whitman’s poem with the October 30th World Premiere/PCMS Commission of “the still, small voice,” by composer Kenji Bunch. Harlem Quartet and Catalyst Quartet will perform.
You can vote, through today, for your favorite toy to be admitted to the National Toy Hall of Fame: https://www.toyhalloffame.org/players-choice-ballot
Join the Penn Professional Staff Assembly to celebrate National Constitution Day and prepare to VOTE!
The event is tomorrow, Constitution Day, September 17, 2020, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM via Zoom
Register at: https://ppsa.upenn.edu/events/ppsa-national-constitution-day-voter-engagement-event/ and receive a free pocket Constitution.
Please share some “lifts” to include next week.
Stay safe and healthy!