• A Daily Lift – November 18, 2020

A Daily Lift – November 18, 2020

Good Morning,


I hope that you are doing well!


Our “lifts” for today:

From Ken Lambert (CBE)

“This week is Transgender Awareness Week with November 20th being the Transgender Day of Remembrance. This week and day are an opportunity for communities to come together and remember transgender people, gender-variant individuals, and those perceived to be transgender who have been murdered because of hate. The LGBT Center will be hosting a virtual Transgender Day of Remembrance event on Thursday, November 19th, 2020 from 6:00PM to 7:00PM on Zoom.”

Zoom Link: https://vpul-upenn.zoom.us/j/99388648652


From Jennifer Sheffield (CIS)

“The Mendelssohn Chorus has just released its second video-from-quarantine, the first time with our new director, Dominick DiOrio! 

Moses Hogan’s Hold On, an African American Spiritual — a message of perseverance in troubled times.”



As part of its Cities and Contagion: Lessons from COVID-19 initiative, the Penn Institute for Urban Research (IUR) held a photo contest on the impact of the pandemic on cities around the world. Participants were asked to capture the ways that urban places have adapted in both planned and unexpected ways.

Cities and Contagion Photo Contest winners:



Vote to name the Giant Panda Cub and look at very cute videos of him. He is 12 weeks old and 9.2 pounds: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/vote-name-giant-panda-cub


Please share some “lifts” to include next week.


Stay safe and healthy!


