A Daily Lift – June 29, 2020

Good Morning,


I hope that you are doing well!


Today is our 43rd “Daily Lift” and was supposed to be our last one. However, I heard from many of you, telling me how much you enjoy them and asking me to reconsider. Therefore,  the “Lift” will continue! I am going to send it once a week, on Wednesday. Please continue to share your positive ideas and links, including music, books, poetry, recipes, sports, webinars, games, art, plays, movies, etc. 


Our “lifts” for today:

Wawa Welcome America, Philly’s 7-Day July 4th Festival, started last night, 100% virtual, 100% free. https://welcomeamerica.com/   


Alumni Relations is sponsoring a series of programs and resources for antiracist education and action. Three of the programs are tomorrow evening.



James Corden and The Muppets sing The Beatles classic “With a Little Help from My Friends.”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMvVgpqQE6U


Stay safe and healthy!


