A Daily Lift – July 15, 2020

Good Morning,


I hope that you are doing well!


Our “lifts” for today:

From Dr. Rebecca Wells (BE)

Free online cooking classes from Milk Street Kitchen (there are a few ticketed items at the top, but the majority are free and below that on the page: https://www.177milkstreet.com/school/classes/online-classes/


Join Penn’s Arthur Ross Gallery and Common Press for their “Printmaker Pop-Up” and a Day of Events on Friday, July 17th, with activities for children and adults to enjoy: http://www.arthurrossgallery.org/printmaker/


Learn to paint with Bob Ross’ “The Joy of Painting”: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEQD0ULngi67rwmhrkNjMZKvyCReqDV4


Please share some “lifts” to include next week.


Stay safe and healthy!


