A Daily Lift – February 24, 2021
Good Morning,
I hope that you are doing well!
From Diedra Krieger (ESE)
The exhibition “Unprecedented Times: A Socially Distanced Art Project,” organized by the Esther Klein Gallery, was an open call in the spirit of Exquisite Corpse and features over 100 artists. This links to a nice write up about the exhibition from the curator, Angela McQuillan, and a zoom recording virtual visit to the exhibition with the artists. People can schedule an appointment to see the show in person, too.
This piece was completed by Diedra with Cristian Perez and Suzanne Kahn. Diedra created the torso (made from water bottles, papier mache, paint and wires); Cristian Perez, who is an engineer, created the head; and Suzanne Kahn, who is a wood worker, made the body of water:
To celebrate Black History Month, the Mann Center presents Voices of Hope! “This year’s event’s central themes are love, hope, social justice, the impact of the pandemic within African American communities, and how we as a city come together to grow stronger.”
You can view this year’s performances at:
Through a partnership with Tuskegee University, Penn’s Weitzman School of Design has established the new Center for the Preservation of Civil Rights Sites to rethink how we look at historic conservation. “The Center for the Preservation of Civil Right Sites (CPCRS) is an academic partner working with organizations engaged in varied aspects of remembering, studying and stewarding the legacy of civil rights histories in the United States.”
Please share some “lifts” to include next week.
Stay safe and healthy!