A Daily Lift – April 6, 2020

Good Morning,


I hope that you are doing well and that you had a nice weekend!


Our “lifts” for today:


From Dr. Robert Carpick (MEAM)

Curated videos and live-streaming opportunities from Philadelphia Chamber Music Society: https://www.pcmsconcerts.org/community/recommended-listening/


From Dr. Sonya Gwak (RAS)

An easy to make non-medical facemask:



From Kris Varhus (CETS)

Penn’s campus was recreated by our students on “Minecraft”: https://www.businessinsider.com/upenn-students-recreate-campus-in-minecraft-to-host-virtual-events-2020-4


The Settlement Music School in Philadelphia is offering free classes streamed live on Facebook: https://settlementmusic.org/music/settlement-digital/ 


Stay safe and healthy!


