A Daily Lift – April 21, 2021

Good Morning,


I hope that you are doing well!


Our “lifts” for today:

From Francesca Savini (PEFS):

Beautiful spring photos from Penn’s Morris Arboretum:



Penn faculty and staff enjoy free admission (with PennCard)  to the Morris Arboretum: https://www.morrisarboretum.org/


Earth Day is tomorrow, April 22nd

Information/events: https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2021/

Resources/activities for kids: https://www.earthday.org/more-digital-resources/


The Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® Foundation is sponsoring free virtual events for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day tomorrow, April 22nd.

You and your sons and daughters can register for the events at:



Please share some “lifts” to include next week.


Stay safe and healthy!


