A Daily Lift – November 3, 2020
Good Morning,
I hope that you are doing well!
Because today is Election Day, I decided to send the “Daily Lift” a day earlier this week.
University leadership has encouraged flexibility by supervisors to allow time for staff to vote today: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/announcements/take-time-vote-message-penn-community
If you are voting in person today, the CDC has provided a guide on how to do it safely: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/going-out/voting-tips.html
Our “lifts” for today:
Kid Explorer – “Courses made FOR kids, made BY kids”:
U.S. Presidential Election Course: https://kidexplorer.com/
Wired, “Nov. 4, 1952: Univac Gets Election Right, But CBS Balks”
“1952: Television makes its first foray into predicting a presidential election based on computer analysis of early returns. … The UNIVAC, or Universal Automatic Computer, was the next-gen version of the pioneering ENIAC built by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1940s.”
CBS Evening News, “Voters pay respect to Susan B. Anthony at her grave in Rochester”
“After Susan B. Anthony (social reformer and a leader in the women’s voting rights movement) died in 1906, her grave went mostly unnoticed. But four years ago, about 10,000 people showed up to put their “I voted” stickers on her headstone. Unfortunately, the gummy residue of all that affection was damaging the marble. So this year, they covered her headstone with a Plexiglass sleeve, allowing for layers of tributes for generations to come.”
Penn COBALT is a digital platform that was created by a team at Penn Medicine, in collaboration with UnitedHealth Group. It offers immediate access to curated mental health and wellness content. You can access free podcasts and videos on mindfulness, breathing, stress reduction, resilience, and more at: https://www.penncobalt.com/on-your-time
Please share some “lifts” to include next week.
Stay safe and healthy!