A Daily Lift – October 7, 2020
Good Morning,
I hope that you are doing well!
Our “lifts” for today:
From Kathryn Fogle (HR)
BoardGameGeek offers a wide variety of suggestions for playing board games, parlors games, and many more in a remote environment:
The Annenberg Center is offering at 20% discount to Penn staff and faculty for its fall 2020 digital season. And it’s free for students:
“Centuries-Old ‘Wine Windows’ Open for Business in Florence”
These windows may have been used during the bubonic plague in the 1630s and have been opened again for take-out during COVID:
The Young@Heart Chorus is a group of seniors, ranging in age from 75-92, who have been performing around the world for almost 40 years.
The Young@Heart Chorus and the Chicago Children’s Choir perform Sam Cook’s “A Change Is Gonna Come”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wR-WrLHcrk&list=RD9wR-WrLHcrk&pp=QAA%3D
Other videos that the Young@Heart recorded during quarantine are found at: https://youngatheartchorus.com/video
Watch for 2020’s Draconid meteor shower tonight: https://earthsky.org/tonight/legendary-draconids-boom-or-bust
Please share some “lifts” to include next week.
Stay safe and healthy!