A Daily Lift – August 12, 2020
Good Morning,
I hope that you are doing well!
Our “lifts” for today:
From Kathryn Fogle (HR)
“Traveling by Ear: 13 Podcasts for Wandering Souls,” New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/09/travel/travel-podcasts.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article
The Annenberg Center@Home Blog provides a link to a family-friendly, educational series by the New Victory Theater which offers weeklong, step-by-step activities centered on culture and performing arts themes: https://annenbergcenter.org/blog/take-a-new-victory-arts-break?utm_source=wordfly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200807-ACWeeklyDigitalContent&utm_content=version_A
Join Professor David Brownlee, Frances Shapiro-Weitzenhoffer Professor of 19th Century European Art in the School of Arts and Sciences, as he leads a virtual tour of some of Penn’s historic buildings: https://powerofpenn.upenn.edu/architectural-masterpieces/?utm_source=kfg&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=issue_17
Quarantine cravings: Yelp reveals each state’s most popular delivery order during the pandemic:
Please share some “lifts” to include next week.
Stay safe and healthy!