A Daily Lift – April 8, 2020

Good Morning,


I hope that you are doing well!


Our “lifts” for today:


From Chris Bristow (Budget and Administration)

A little Zoom humor: https://www.theringer.com/2020/4/1/21201409/eight-types-people-zoom-video-calls-social-distancing


From Leandra Davis (Design and Construction)

Yale is offering a Coursera course on “The Science of Well-Being” taught by Dr. Laurie Santos, who taught Psychology and the Good Life, the most popular class in Yale’s history. You can register, starting today, to audit it for free: https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being


From Katherine Sas (BE)

Yoga with Adrienne is free on YouTube. Her Yoga for Uncertain Times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFVzpvz0FgQ&list=PLui6Eyny-Uzy-b0MKzL2EfaTqB0ppgK06


From Renuka Vallarapu (CETS)

For K-12 students:

The Crown Education Challenge aims to encourage students to take a stake in this global challenge by responding to the theme of “hope during a pandemic.” Students can  choose to enter in the art, STEM, and/or writing tracks: https://www.crowneducationchallenge.org/ 


From Dr. Rebecca Wells (BE)

The Berlin Philharmonic is now offering free access to their digital concert library: https://www.digitalconcerthall.com/en/home?utm_source=www.berliner-philharmoniker.de&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=brandbar&a=bph_webseite&c=true


Stay safe and healthy!


